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Drop Off and Pick Up Policy


My First School is a part-time program.

Hours of operation are: 10:00am – 2:00pm.

This includes drop-off in the morning and pick-up in the afternoon. In the state of North Carolina a part-time program consists of 4 hours/day maximum.


Drop off:

My First School's doors will be unlocked at 10:00 am.  Drop-off will be from 10:00-10:15, please make every effort to have your child here and ready to start his or her school day by 10:15.


Pick up:

My First School's day ends at 2:00 pm. No children are allowed in the building after 2:00pm. Pick-up begins at 1:40 pm. MFS utilizes a drive-thru pick up. At 1:40 the students will be packed up. As you arrive the teacher or assistant will place your child in their car seat, then you will need to pull through and buckle him/her in. (it is against the law for MFS staff to buckle the children in ). Three year olds will be picked up in the back of the building, while two and four year olds will be picked up in the front.


Please make every effort to be on time to pick up your child.

-If you know you are running late by 10 minutes or less, please call the school so we can inform your child's teacher. Your child will remain in his/her classroom as long as they are able then be placed in the office until you arrive.

-If you know you will be more than 10 minutes late, please call and let us know so we can send your child to afterschool. You will need to pick him/her up from afterschool and pay the daily drop fee.

-If you are more than 10 minutes late and we have not heard from you (and we cannot reach you) your child will automatically be sent to afterschool. You will need to pick him/her up from afterschool and pay the daily drop fee.


Only the persons specified on your child's application will be allowed to pick up your child. Any changes to this must be made in writing. If an emergency comes up during the day and you cannot pick up your child, please call and talk directly to your child's teacher or the Director to inform them of the necessary changes. (please see above) All individuals picking up a child will have their Drivers License photocopied and kept on file.

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